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DebraTone© is a world class vocal technique that places amateurs on equal vocal footing with professionals, and takes professionals to the next level.





Private voice training is a one-on-one, hands on vocal experience. DebraTone© is a world class vocal technique that places amateurs on equal vocal footing with professionals and takes professionals to the next level. Each private lesson is tailored to a student's skill level.

Private Voice Training Includes:

  • Vocal exercises that coordinate and strengthen voice.

  • Exercises to improve tone quality and bridge breaks in the voice.

  • Increased flexibility and development of a consistent and healthy vibrato.

  • Ability to connect their chest voice through their middle voice to their head voice.

  • The opportunity to sing freely from the heart in their natural voice, at its best.

Private voice training is available electronically by FaceTime, Skype, phone.

$200 per half hour session

$400 per hour session

$6,000 for an intense course of 40 half hour sessions 3 to 5 times a week.

Contact Debra for more information.






By participating in a Group Voice Class, you will see Debra Bonner correct vocal problems quickly. Hearing others improve will give you the confidence to know that your voice is improving as well, because sometimes it's hard to hear your own voice. You will find it easier to sing songs more freely then ever before.

DebraTone© Group Voice Class Includes:

  • Vocal conditioning exercises and application.

  • Improved tone quality and instruction on stopping bridge breaks in the voice.

  • The knowledge to increase flexibility and develop a consistently healthy vibrato.

  • The ability to connect their chest voice with their middle voice to their head voice.

  • The ability to sing freely from the heart in their natural voice at its best.

  • Solo singing.

  • Techniques to handle stage-freight.


Group Voice Class is an environment where students can learn with their peers, with many teachers and levels to choose from. Rates vary depending upon the singing level selected or individual teacher rates. Please enroll now or request more information at the link below. You will be put in contact with a teacher in your area. Classes are also available by Skype, phone or other electronic means.

Teacher Training Course


Learn how to train voices, utilizing the Debratone© method.

"Each one teach one"

$7,500 for 60 to 72 hours of training course work:

10 private lessons

10 group lessons

Final Written Exam

Contact Debra for more information.


Aaliyah Rose, Youtube Star,Top 20 Contestant on The Voice 2017

"With Debra's training I am constantly able to reach new heights."

~Aaliyah Rose

Madilyn Paige, Youtube Star, Finalist on The Voice

"I have never experienced the growth that I see take place as I undergo Debra's training."

~Madilyn Paige

Kevin Yungman, Broadway Lead Singer and Award Winning Recording Artist

"Debra's technique has taken my voice to a whole new level. A level I didn't know I could ever reach. 

Thank you, Debra!"

~Kevin Yungman

Nik Day, EFY Award Winning Composer

"Working with Debra has been amazing. She is helping me find my true voice and develop my muscles so that I can sing with a lot more control and ease. She not only helps me with my voice, but also inspires me to be a better person. Debra is a great person and it has been a pleasure working with her."

~Nik Day

Rashida Jordan, Lead Backup singer for Grammy award winning artist Gladys Knight

"Debra's technique has really helped me to discover my voice. I actually enjoy singing now."

~Rashida Jordan

Mauli Jr. Bonner, Vocal Director for Nickelodean, Vocal Coach 

"As I work out the voice of my clients they find themselves gaining more confidence in themselves as they consequently gain a more authoritative and leadership role in their personal lives. This is due to the authenticity of their Vocal Tone."

~Mauli B

Oyoyo Joi Bonner, Broadway Star

"Debra Bonner is an amazing vocal coach, if not the best out there! With this technique and voice lessons from Debra I was accepted in a very competitive Music Dance Theatre Program at BYU and cast in the National Touring Company of Memphis the musical. I know more achievements are bound to come because of my wonderful experience!"

~Oyoyo Bonner

Clotile Bonner, Broadway Star, Currently starring in a one woman show on a Mississippi River Boat  

"I have used DebraTone in every performance-based professional setting. I used it everyday while performing with the BYU Young Ambassadors for three years. I took it with me as my base vocal routine while touring with the Broadway National Tour of 'The Color Purple.'"

~Clotile Bonner

“I have severe anxiety. Working with Debra helped me realize that I can still go out and live life and achieve my goals even though I have anxiety. I have been able to not only work two jobs where I interact with the public, but also go out on auditions and perform in front of hundreds of people. I am doing things I never had the courage to do and that ability started with finding my voice while working with Debra."

-Grace Peatross


“Working with Debra gave me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. I always felt like my dreams were too big for what was possible. But working with Debra gave me the confidence not only to dream big but to do something to achieve those dreams.”

-Hyrum Peatross


“I have severe dyslexia and was bullied all growing up. Working with Debra really helped me to be confident in myself and my abilities. I have been able to get up and perform in front of an audience more times than I can count and that confidence stays with me when I step off the stage.”

-Liam Peatross

“When I started working with Debra Bonner I really had no direction in life and she pulled out a part of me that I never knew I had! Not only did my voice become a powerhouse, I became a powerhouse! I took her teacher’s course and became a leader! It has offered me so much. The thing I love most, is that I can help change lives for the better, as Debra has changed mine! I will always be so grateful for Debra Bonner and her academy!!!”

-Melinda Hix, Recording Artist and Vocal Coach


“Having my daughter Kaylea work with Debra Bonner with her music has been such a wonderful blessing in our life. Kaylea’s self-esteem has gone up so much. She was able to find herself in music! She was able to pull her grades back together, really focus, and have a much better outlook on life. Music for Kaylea has been a saving grace for her in many ways! She graduated from high school and is now living in LA pursuing her career in music and is doing very well! Thank you so much Debra Bonner! We love and appreciate your music programs!”

-Kaylea Hix’s mother, Melinda Hix


"​If I had to list all of the improvements Debra's training has had in my voice, we'd be here forever. Two thumbs up!"

-Kaylea Hix


"Debra is a miracle worker. Even after the first lesson, I could already feel a change. Out of all of the voice coaches whom I have worked with, she is the only one who has been able to open my eyes to all that I was doing wrong."

-Roxii Henrie, Vocal Sport Winner


"I love Debra so much, the change she has instilled in my voice are astronomical!"

-Molley Pugh


"Debra's technique has really helped me to discover my voice. I actually enjoy singing now."

-Rashida Jordan, Lead Backup singer for Grammy award winning artist Gladys Knight

“Two of my children, Hayley and Ryan, took voice lessons from Debra Bonner. Hayley was 17 and Ryan was 15 when they started. Hayley became much improved in her self-esteem and life goals after finding that she was good at something special, thanks to Debra. Ryan had flunked almost all of his previous year’s classes and was not interested in trying to do any better. He now tells me that his friends were doing things that he knew were bad, but he didn’t feel like he fit in with kids that did good things. After just a few months with Debra Bonner, Ryan began to make better friends. He tried out for a show choir in a fine arts high school and got in. After that, he had to do well to be eligible to perform. Ryan began to pass most of his classes, and within a year he was passing ALL of his classes. He was asked to audition for the TV show, American Idol, and got a spot on the next show. He then won a spot on the “Hollywood Week” show, and an all expenses paid trip to Hollywood with his parent (chaperone). Ryan also won an award with his band for “Best Boy Band” at the Covey Center for the Arts competition. Both Hayley and Ryan have benefited so much from taking classes from Debra Boner that I could never adequately express my gratitude to her for picking them up to see their potential. There is no amount of money that a parent can pay to have their child realize that their potential is far greater than they thought, and that the sky’s the limit as to how far they can reach for their goals. I will always be interested in the things that Debra Bonner has to say, and the projects that she is involved in, because she loved my children into doing their best. I will be forever grateful to her.”

-Cynthia Black RN, owner of Life Clinic


"Debra's program has helped me discover my love of music. It put me in a situation where I was best heard. Many of the people who I met through her program became lifelong friends. We stood and still stand as a whole group in support of our other fellow performers. Debra has a gift for gathering and cultivating natural talent and putting them right where we can be discovered. Whether those talents readied in music, acting, modeling or dance. My brother and I both attended her class. My brother was very shy at first but through the programs welcoming arms, and a kind push from Mrs. Bonner herself. He has been seen on many stages. We are so very grateful to the Bonner family, which we have all felt apart of in one way or another. Love Hayley."

-Hayley Black


"Working with Debra has been amazing. She is helping me find my true voice and develop my muscles so that I can sing with a lot more control and ease. Even though I have only been with her for a little over a month I have seen a big difference already. She not only helps me with my voice, but also inspires me to be a better person. Debra is a great voice teacher, but more importantly she is a great person and it has been a pleasure working with her."

-Nik Day, EFY Award Winning Composer


“…the closest thing I have found to a ‘push-button’ vocal technique…”

-Dr. Raymond Zentz


“Before meeting Debra I endured a lot of teasing. I was an adult that spoke with a very high-pitched voice. I was often compared to Minnie Mouse and Betty Boop, etc. Imagine being told at 27 years old to put your parent on the phone to order pizza. And job interviews and auditions, I was always praised on my experience, skill, and being articulate, but I also saw the subtle reactions to my voice, my laugh, and even my sneezes. I was also told on many occasions, in the customer service arena, that despite my skills and prior experience, my voice was hindrance because customers might not take me seriously. With the DebraTone technique, Mrs. Bonner trained me to lower my larynx and by my 28th birthday, I was finally speaking in my natural voice. Of course, I will always have a bubbly personality, but now, when I mean business, everyone knows it too. She didn’t just give me my voice back, she gave me a new confidence and commanding presence. Not just based on my looks, at the time as a formal model, but as a strong woman in command of her life. Thanks Debra.”

-Mimi Velazquez

"I started out not being able to sing in a chorus, until I found Debra at my school. I started taking private lessons, I trained everyday; working hard through the technique. I have grown a vocal range and style that helps me to sing all different types of songs. I now have a freedom to express myself through music without having to worry about the voice. I met a lot of great friends through Hollywood launch and we immediately became a family. Now, one year later from where we started a bunch of us are moving to LA to pursue our dreams with managers and agents. I have become my real confident self and walk with my head held high. I now have an education for how things work, and can tell other kids that are starting, how to begin their dreams. I have made many connections with many amazing people because of Debra, a total life changing experience." 

-Allison Ivy

"Debra, I can’t even begin to thank you enough. You really are the one who started me on this journey and helped open so many doors for me along the way. I am so excited to see where this next adventure takes me and I can't wait to continue sharing this journey with you! I love you so much mama!"

-Ashely Lauren


"I took lessons from Debra, with the goal of being accepted into the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. (I had tried unsuccessfully 2 times before.) She taught me a completely different way of singing---basically doing a mix of "head voice" and "chest voice". I'd always sung strictly in my head voice so this was very foreign to me. As I progressed my voice became stronger and more powerful. I also found I was able to manage my breath much more efficiently and to keep a more even tone throughout phrases, which was something I'd been told, from my choir tryouts, that I needed to work on. Another wonderful result from my lessons with Debra was an improvement in my speaking voice. When I first started, my speaking voice had a scratchy quality to it. That eventually went away through these lessons and my speaking voice moved into a more comfortable register. Also Debra's technique helped me sing through "breaks" or pasagio in my voice. The good news from all of this is that I achieved my goal and made it into the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! I'm grateful to Debra for helping so much to improve my voice!"

-Susan Rymer


"I've been performing in musicals for 30 years and of the three elements of being a triple threat I've always struggled with getting my voice to be where I wanted it.  I've worked with multiple teachers from various schools of thought and Debra has brought me further than any other teacher I've ever had.  Barriers I've struggled with for a decade came crashing down more rapidly than I ever hoped.  My range has grown, my resonance has increased, and I've finally learned to secret to evening my tone and vibrato.  I couldn't be happier with the direction my voice is taking."

-Kenneth Wright


“My heart is full thinking about the influence this woman has had on my life and in the lives of my children. Debra has caused me to stretch and grow in ways I never thought possible. She has believed in my kids, and has given them opportunities that have allowed them to reach for their dreams. She and her dear, kind, husband have been two of the greatest examples of faith that I have ever known. God is indeed good and I cannot begin to adequately express how grateful I am to Him for putting these two people in my path.”

-Jennifer Peatross, Mother of Remi Peatross


"The first time I met Debra Bonner I knew my life would never be the same.  Her vocal technique and instruction have helped take my voice to a place I never thought possible. Her coaching and believe in me, as well as the many opportunities she has given me to perform have all helped me to feel confident. I love performing for and connecting with an audience! Debra has believed in me, encouraged me, and provided opportunities for me such as the Hollywood Launch program,  to receive training and showcase my talents in front of top industry professionals. All of this has led to me having representation in Hollywood where I am currently pursuing an acting and music career. I can never thank Debra enough for her love, support, and all that she has taught me as both a performer and a person."

-Remi Peatross​

"I first met Debra in my Junior year in High School and I began to take singing lessons, but I couldn't continue because my life got busy. A few years later I found Debra on the internet. I was looking for a way to strengthen my voice because I had a very soft and quiet voice since I was 12. When I read a few testimonials I decided to give her program another try. It was interesting from the start. I was finding a singing voice I didn't know I had and I was developing a stronger speaking voice as I continued to learn with Debra. Before I took lessons from Debra I would be asked to repeat something I said about 5 or 6 times, and with each time I felt like I was yelling. As my lessons went on people stopped asking me to repeat myself and everyone is amazed with the change in my voice. Now I have a clear, strong voice and I'm more confident when I talk to people. I'm grateful I took singing lessons from Debra. I've loved every minute of my lessons because I've learned something new every time. I look forward to continue taking singing lessons with Debra."


"Dear Debra, I'm writing to you to let you know how you have changed and blessed my life. You have taught me so much about singing and music and how it applies in our lives. I appreciate you for helping me find my passion for singing and for teaching me to understand the love music creates. You helped me understand that singing is my life. It has always been my passion in life and I had let it go and ignored it. I pushed away my own passion and love for singing by blaming it for my sadness and loneliness I was feeling in high school. You used to have me sing and then you would keep explaining to me to just close my eyes and just feel the music and just let it flow through me and to just let me flow with the music instead of trying to control it. I learned from you how much the Spirit is in the music you sing and share with the world. When you sing with your heart and soul the Spirit will fill the hearts of those you sing to. You built up my confidence and self-esteem. You wouldn't hold anything back. If I messed up or wasn't doing something right you would tell me, you wouldn't beat around the bush and it would encourage me to work harder and to feel what my muscles were doing. When I did something correct you would tell me exactly what I did and if I looked hesitant, you would see that and give me a serious but loving look and repeat yourself. It led me to gain the confidence in myself and to not doubt myself so much. '(it built my voice muscles up so much and I had never sung like that before. And now I still sing with the techniques you taught me. Teaching my family has been such an amazing experience! I didn't even know my family had such good voices, and you gave them the confidence to sing out loud and proud to the world! I have had so much fun with my family, singing with them and just having fun and sharing the love. My brothers and I sing in church and we love singing Happy Birthday to people! You have brought my family closer together. The love that is shared between my family members has grown closer and stronger. I can't even express the joy I feel from that incredible experience that I was blessed to work with you. I knew before how much I loved music, but having you work with my family and I made me realize how much our love for each other has grown, and the love for ourselves, and those around us. Your example of love for your family, life, the Gospel, music, and singing is such an inspiration to me! You have blessed my entire family with your ability and knowledge and I am so grateful for it. particularly love the confidence you have helped my mother find within herself, I have treasured the moments that I have seen of her singing and her love for the world around her. Thank you so much for helping me understand my love for music."

-Anna Marie


"I was only your student for a few months, but it changed me in so many ways. When I came to you, I had severe depression, an eating disorder, and self harm issues. But through the music and confidence I built in myself, I started to see myself change. I cared about my body. I cared about my school work again. I cared about my family again & held onto them closer than ever before. I knew I wasn't going to sing professionally, but the experience was almost better. I found my voice, my self, and the life I wanted to live. You & these lessons really did change my life. And I will forever be grateful for that and the time I got to spend training with you. Those lessons were my escape from the world. I only truly feel like myself when I'm singing. And you helped me discover that."

-Hayley Robertson

© Debra Bonner 2017

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